Sunday, November 8, 2009

Winter Kisses- PTU

I've used an FTU artwork of Zindy S. D. Nielsen. You can get it here and more HERE.
If you do not have a Zindy license then please be sure to read how you properly copyright it.
This is a PTU kit called Winter Kisses by Cora’s Creations (Pimp'd Designz). You can visit her blog for links HERE.
I've used Template #98 by Divine Intentionz. It can be downloaded HERE.
The mask is by Vixen, #389 and Christmas Mask6. Download it on her blog HERE.
Font used is Thickhead.

Let’s Begin!

Open the tag template, and resize the canvas from the center to 800x800 by going to
Image>Canvas Size.
Delete the credits layer.

Open paper pp07 from the kit.
Copy your paper and go to the template.
On your rectangle layer, go to Selections>Select All, Selections>Float, Selections>Defloat.
Paste your paper by going to Edit>Paste As New Layer.
Then go to Selections>Invert and press the Delete button on your keyboard to delete the extra paper.
Be sure to delete the original layer of the template.
(Follow this procedure when asked to Copy and Paste a paper to a layer of the template.)

Open paper pp08 from kit.
Copy and Paste it to the thin rectangle3 layer.

Open paper pp01 from kit.
Copy and Paste it to the thin rectangle1 layer.

Open paper pp04 from kit.
Copy and Paste it to the thin rectangle2 layer.

Open paper pp06 from kit.
Copy and Paste it to the square layer.

Open ice element.
Copy and Paste it below the square layer.
Resize and arrange it to the left as shown in the tag.
Layer> Duplicate, Image> Mirror, and arrange to the right.

Open tag element.
Copy and Paste it below the square.
Resize and arrange it as shown in tag.

Open greens01 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the ice.
Resize and arrange it to the right as shown in the tag.

Open greens02 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above that.
Resize and arrange it to the top left as shown in tag.

Open tree from kit.
Copy and Paste it above that.
Resize and arrange it to the left as shown in the tag.

Open reindeer from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the tree.
Resize and arrange it to the left as shown.

Open star from kit.
Copy and Paste it above that.
Resize and arrange it to the right as shown.

Open gingerbread man from kit.
Copy and Paste it above that.
Resize and arrange it to the right as shown.

Open ribbon03 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the square layer.
Resize and arrange it to the top left corner of the square as shown.

Copy and Paste your tube as a new layer above the square.
Resize and arrange it as shown in the tag.
Drop shadow your tube by going to Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow,
set the drop to -5 vertical, -5 horizontal, 50 opacity, 10 blur.

Open snowflake03 and 04 from kit.
Copy and Paste them above all the layers.
Resize and arrange them around the tag as shown.

Open paper pp08 from kit.
Copy and Paste it at the bottom layer of the tag.
Add your mask by going to Layer>Load/ Save Mask>Load Mask from Disk.
Apply the mask named Vix_Mask389.
Merge the mask group by right clicking the layer of the finished mask,
go to Merge>Merge Group.

Open paper pp10 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the previous mask.
Apply the mask named Vix_Christmas Mask6.

I used the font Thickhead. I set it to 72 pixels, and a stroke width of 6.
Foreground color to white and background color to #db99a1.
Duplicate the layer and select the second font layer with the font tool.
Set the stroke width to 0.
Merge the 2 font layer and convert to a raster layer.

Drop shadow everything except the tube, ice, and the masks.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, set the drop to 3 vertical, 2 horizontal, 75 opacity, 4 blur.

Add your copyright info and your tag.

Merge everything in Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

All Finished!

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