Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Girl- FTU

Now you can download a PDF copy of this tutorial to do without using your internet browser.
Download Here
I've used the FTU artwork of Psyco Jimi. You still need a license through MtA to use his work, which you can get for free HERE.
You'll need your license number to join the group HERE.
This is a FTU kit called Toxic Candyland by Cinnamon Scraps. You can get it HERE.
I've used Template “I’m the Girl You Will Never Be” by Crazy Cakes Scraps. You can get it HERE.
The diamond doesn’t have a home and the fairy dust was created by me. These items are in my supplies which are for personal use only. You can download HERE.
I used mask Vix_Mask362 by Vixen. Download it on her blog HERE.
Font used is WaterBrush ROB.

Let’s Begin!

Open the tag template. I’ve resized the template to 700x700 by going to Image>Resize and then resize the canvas from the center to 800x800 by going to Image>Canvas Size.
Delete the credits layer.

Open paper11 from the kit.
Copy your paper and go to the template.
On the layer named halfcircle, go to Selections>Select All, Selections>Float, Selections>Defloat.
Paste your paper by going to Edit>Paste As New Layer.
Then go to Selections>Invert and press the Delete button on your keyboard to delete the extra paper.
Go to Selections>None
Be sure to delete the original layer of the template.
(Follow this procedure when asked to Copy and Paste a paper to a layer of the template.)

Copy and Paste the following papers to the layers stated:

Paper14 to blackcircle
Paper15 to rectangle
Paper1 to oval
Paper8 to silverrectangle
Paper3 to circle1 and circle2
Paper4 to smcircle and smcircle2

Move the small circle2 down a little as shown in the tag.

Copy and Paste your tube of choice above the glitterframe layer.
Resize and arrange it to fit in the center as shown.

Copy and paste the same tube above circle1 (black circle).
Resize and arrange it so the face of the tube is above the circle.
On the circle layer go to Selections>Select All, Selections>Float, Selections>Defloat.
Select the tube layer and go to Selections>Invert and press the Delete button on your keyboard.
Duplicate the tube layer by going to Layers>Duplicate
On the bottom tube layer change the blend mode by going to
Layers>Properties and change the Blend Mode to Luminance (Legacy)
On the upper tube layer go to Adjust>Blur>Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 3.
Change its blend mode to Soft Light.

Repeat this entire procedure for the other circle.
Mirror the tube by going to Image>Mirror before arranging the way you want.

I’ve used a second tube for the oval behind the main tube.
Copy and Paste your tube of choice above the oval.
Resize and arrange to the side so it is facing outward.
Use the Select All/Float/Defloat method to delete the extra portion of the tube.
Layers>Duplicate the tube.
On the bottom tube change the blend mode to Luminance (Legacy).
Change its opacity to 50% in the Layer Properties as well.
On the upper tube change the blend mode to Soft Light.

Repeat this entire procedure for the other side of the oval.
Mirror the tube by going to Image>Mirror before arranging the way you want.

Open diamond from my supplies.
Copy and Paste it above the glitter frame.
Arrange it to the left where the oval meets the rectangles.
Layer>Duplicate it 5 times and arrange them around the oval as shown.

Open flower3 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it behind the elbow on the right as shown.
Layer>Duplicate, Image>Mirror

Open flower1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the last skinny rectangle before the circles.
Resize and arrange it as shown in the tag.

Open flower6 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown in the tag.

Open bow9 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the 2 small circles.
Resize and arrange it above the circle as shown.

Open string2 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the bottom as shown.

Open fairy dust from my supplies.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.

Open paper1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it at the bottom layer of the tag.
Add your mask by going to Layer>Load/ Save Mask>Load Mask from Disk.
Apply the mask named Vix_Mask362.
Merge the mask group by right clicking the layer of the finished mask,
go to Merge>Merge Group.

I used the font WaterBrush ROB. Set it to a size you like, and a stroke width of 3.
Foreground color to white and background color to black.
Duplicate the layer and select the second font layer with the font tool.
Set the stroke width to 0.
Merge the 2 font layer and convert to a raster layer.

Drop shadow everything by going to
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, set the drop to 3 vertical, 2 horizontal, 75 opacity, 4 blur.

Add your copyright info and your tag.

Merge everything in Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

You can crop and resize your image as desired.

All Finished!

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