Monday, June 4, 2012

Seduction- FTU

I've used the lovely FTU artwork of Keith Garvey. I don't know how long it will be available, but you can get it at PTE.
This is a FTU kit called Seductress from Designs by Sarah. You can find it on her blog.
I used two masks called Vix_Mask238 and Vix_Mask309, by Vix PSP.

Let’s Begin!

Open a new canvas that’s 800x800 pixels.

Open frame2 from kit.
Copy and Paste as a new layer.
Resize a little smaller and arrange on the right side of your canvas..

Open frame1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it below the circle frame.
Resize to fit as shown and move over to the left side of the circle frame.

Open pp4 from kit.
Copy and Paste it below the circle frame.
Resize it to fit how you like and erase any portion of the paper hanging outside the edges.

Open pp2 from kit.
Copy and Paste it below the rectangle frame.
Resize it to fit how you like and erase any portion of the paper hanging outside the edges.

Copy and Paste your closeup tube (if you have one) as a new layer above your circle frame.
Resize the tube as needed and center on top of frame as shown.
Duplicate your circle frame and move it above the tube layer.
Erase any portion of the frame covering the top half of your tube.
Erase any portion of the tube hanging out the bottom.
Duplicate tube layer.
Change the blend mode of the upper layer to Soft Light.
Lower it's opacity to 50%.

Copy and Paste your regular tube as a new layer below your rectangle frame.
Mirror and resize the tube as needed and arrange on the left side of the frame.
Erase any portion of the tube hanging outside the frame.
Duplicate tube layer.
Change the blend mode of the bottom layer to Luminance Legacy (L).
Change the blend mode of the upper layer to Soft Light.
Lower the upper tube opacity to 50%.

Open print from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the duplicated circle frame.
Arrange it to the left as shown.

Open tag1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer above the print.
Resize and arrange it at the bottom of the circle frame as shown.

Open flower1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the bottom as shown.

Open flower2 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layers.
Resize and arrange it to the bottom left as shown.

Open bow from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and rotate it to the left slightly. Arrange it to the bottom as shown.

Duplicate your flower2 layer.
Resize and move the layer above the bottom circle frame and arrange to the top right side.
Duplicate this small flower2 again and move the layer just above the rectangle frame.

Duplicate your bow layer.
Resize and move the layer above the rectangle frame layer and arrange to the top left corner.

Duplicate your flower1 layer.
Resize and move the layer above the rectangle frame layer and arrange it to the top right corner.
Duplicate this flower1 layer again and resize it smaller and move the layer to the top left corner above the flower2 layer as shown.

Create a new raster layer underneath your tag and flood fill with color #866530.
Add your mask by going to Layer>Load/ Save Mask>Load Mask from Disk.
Apply the mask named Vix_Mask238.
Merge the mask group by right clicking the layer of the finished mask, go to Merge>Merge Group.
Resize and arrange it to fit as shown.

Open pp3 paper from kit.
Apply the mask named Vix_Mask309.
Merge and resize as shown.

I used the font Sverige Script Decorated. Set it to a size you like and a stroke width of 3.
Foreground color to white and background color to #b19f7e.
Duplicate the layer and select the second font layer with the font tool.
Set the stroke width to 0.
Merge the 2 font layer and convert to a raster layer.

Drop shadow everything except the mask.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, set the drop to 3 vertical, 2 horizontal, 75 opacity, 4 blur.

Add your copyright info and your tag.

Merge everything in Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

Crop and resize as needed!

All Finished!

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