Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fairy Freak- PTU

Download this tutorial in a PDF file.
I've used the lovely PTU artwork of Lady Mishka. Get it at SATC.
This is PTU kit called Fairy Freak from Designs by Sarah. Get it at PMTw/S.
I used masks WSL_Mark75 and 414 by Wee Scott Lass.
Font used is Ruge Bookie.

Let’s Begin!

Open a new canvas that’s 800x800 pixels.

Open frame2 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Rotate it to the right and resize it down to fit within your canvas.

For my tube I used both the blonde/pink, and the brunette/purple layers to achieve the desired color.
Copy and Paste your purple tube layer as a new image.
Copy and Paste your pink tube layer as a new layer over your purple tube layer.
Set you pink layer’s blend mode to soft light.
Copy and Paste your tube as a merged copy as a new layer over your frame.
Resize and arrange it as needed to fit as shown.

Duplicate your frame layer and move it above the tube.
Use your eraser tool to erase any portion of the frame covering the face.
You may need to erase any portion of your tube hanging outside of the bottom of the frame.

Open paper pp6 from kit.
Copy and Paste it below the bottom frame layer.
Resize as desired and erase any portion of the frame hanging outside of the frame.

Open web1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it behind your tube layer.
You may need to erase more portions of the upper frame layer so it will show.
Resize and arrange the web as shown.

Open brackets from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as needed to fit.

Open flower2 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the left as shown.

Open flower3 from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the upper frame layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open flower1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open flower5 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open button1 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the bottom left as shown.

Open bow7 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open grenery3 from kit.
Copy and Paste it behind the frame paper.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open paper pp11 from kit.
Copy and Paste it at the bottom of the tag.
Add your mask by going to Layer>Load/ Save Mask>Load Mask from Disk.
Apply the mask named WSL_Mask75.
Merge the mask group by right clicking the layer of the finished mask, go to Merge>Merge Group.
Resize and arrange it to fit as shown.

I used the font Ruge Boogie. Set it to a size you like and a stroke width of 3.
Foreground color to white and background color to black.
Duplicate the layer and select the second font layer with the font tool.
Set the stroke width to 0.
Merge all the font layers and convert to a raster layer.

Drop shadow everything except the mask.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, set the drop to 3 vertical, 2 horizontal, 75 opacity, 4 blur.

Add your copyright info and your tag.

Merge everything in Layers>Merge>Merge Visible

Crop and resize as needed!

All Finished!

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