Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Urban- PTU

Now you can download a PDF copy of this tutorial to do without using your internet browser.
I've used the lovely PTU artwork of Elias Chatzoudis. You can get it HERE.
This is a PTU kit called Urban Jungle by Cora’s Creations (Pimp'd Designz). Visit her blog for links to her stores HERE.
The mask is by Vixen, #365. Download it on her blog HERE.
Font used is called Pea Lacy Chunky by Kevin&Amanda. You can get it HERE.
You will need Animation Shop or another animation program to animate the tag.

Let’s Begin!

Open a new canvas that’s 800x800 pixels.

Open frame-01 from kit.
Copy and Paste it to your canvas.

Open paper pp-11 from kit.
Using the magic wand tool, select inside the circle of the frame layer.
Go to Selections>Modify>Expand by 5.
Copy and Paste your paper as a new layer.
Selections>Invert and hit the Delete button on your keyboard to delete the extra paper.
Selections>Select None
Move the paper layer below the frame layer.

Copy and Paste your tube (preferably a close-up) as a new layer above the paper.
Arrange the tube to your liking.
Layer>Duplicate the frame and move one of them below the tube.
Using the eraser tool on the upper frame,
erase portions of the frame covering the tube that you want to show.
On the tube layer, erase portions of the tube hanging out of the bottom of the frame.

Open city scape from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the paper layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.
Use the eraser tool to erase portions of the city scape hanging out.

Open circles from kit.
Copy and Paste it on top of all the layers.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open greens-02 from kit.
Copy and Paste as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the bottom as shown.

Open jean-02 element.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open glitter-02 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open ribbon-02 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open flower-03 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open flower-04 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it as shown.

Open doodle-02 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the top left as shown.

Open bracket from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the right as shown.

Open frame-03 from kit.
Copy and Paste it as a new layer.
Resize and arrange it to the right as shown.
Using the magic wand tool, select inside the ipod frame layer.
Go to Selections>Modify>Expand by 5.
Create a new raster layer by going to
Layer>New Raster Layer.
Using the fill tool, fill the selections with color #97649a.
Selections>Select None

Open electric poles from kit.
Copy and Paste it above the wire.
Resize and arrange it to the top left corner as shown.

Open glitter from kit.
Copy and Paste it below everything.
Resize and arrange it to the left of the tag.
Layer>Duplicate it and arrange it to the right as shown.

Fill the background with the color black.
Add your mask by going to Layer>Load/ Save Mask>Load Mask from Disk.
Apply the mask named Vix_Mask365.
Merge the mask group by right clicking the layer of the finished mask,
go to Merge>Merge Group.

I used the font Pea Lacy Chunky. I set it to 48 pixels, and a stroke width of 6.
Foreground color to white and background color to black.
Duplicate the layer and select the second font layer with the font tool.
Set the stroke width to 0.
Merge the 2 font layer and convert to a raster layer.

Drop shadow everything except the doodle and the masks.
Effects>3D Effects>Drop Shadow, set the drop to 3 vertical, 2 horizontal, 75 opacity, 4 blur.

Add your copyright info and your tag.
Crop your image as needed.

Now that you have everything the way you like it we will begin the animation process.
Copy and Paste your tube below the frame-03 layer (iPod).
Arrange it so that the face shows through and delete the rest.
Save as Frame1.

Arrange the tube again so that another body part shows through,
deleting the excess and save as Frame 2.
Do this again and save as Frame 3.

Open the frames in Animation Shop.

Copy Frame 2 and go to Frame 1 and go to
Edit>Paste>After Current Frame
Copy Frame 3 and Paste after Frame 2 the same way.
Paste Frame 1 after Frame 3 for reference, this will be deleted later.

Select all the frames by using the ctrl key and click them all.
Go to Animation>Frame Properties and set it to 100.

Select the first frame and go to
Effects>Image Transition
Set it to these settings:
Effect- Fade
Transition Length- 3 seconds
Frames per second- 10 fps

Now select the next frame that we created and set to 100.
Add the Fade Image Transition at the same settings.
Going to the next frame we created, add the Fade Image Transition as well.
Delete the last frame we created as we do not need it anymore.

You can now view your animation.
Save it as a GIF file and you’re all set.

All Finished!

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